Press, distinctions and honors

Jan-Ola Östman in the media

- a selection [under construction]

A selection of links to video recordings of  some of my presentations  are found here

University of Helsinki website

Blog (IPrA President's site)


Interviewed/participated (recording December 7, 2023) in the radio program Språket i P1 on Swedish Radio. Broadcast January 15, 2024 as part of

"Språket avslöjar – det här är de vanligaste språkfrågorna" ['What language reveals: the most common questions about language from listeners']


Interviewed in connection with the Symposium “Med rätt att teckna” [‘With the right to sign’] at the University of Helsinki (November 3–4, 2022). Interview published March 2023.

On YouTube, and on Humak’s site


Finnish American Reporter, February 2022, p.7.


Interview by Karin Sundström for Vasabladet on the occasion of being awarded the Swedish Academy's linguist prize, December 11, 2021, p. 12: "Jan-Ola Östman får språkforskarpris" ['J.-O.Ö. receives linguist prize'].

Interview by Tuomo Yrttiaho for Helsingin Sanomat on the occasion of my 70th birthday, October 13, 2021, p. B13: "Tutkija katsoo rivien väliin" ['The researcher looks between the lines'].


December 5:

Interview published on the Intranet of Dalarna University: "Jan-Ola Östman, Nordiska Språk, gästprofessor på Högskolan under hösten" [The text]

Interviewed by Bianca Holmberg for Språkbruk 1/2018: "Jan-Ola Östman – Meriterad professor som vill förbättra världen".

2015 (release date: September 13)

Jan-Ola Östman - Humanist of the Day

The University of Helsinki Faculty of Arts celebrating the 375 year jubilee of the university all through 2015

March 2015

Rädslan för domänförlust gav språkstrategi

Interviewed about the new language policy of the University of Helsinki

Språkbruk 1/2015, pp. 10-13

2014, August 21

Ålands Radio TV

Radio interview on dialects (in Swedish) in connection with organizing the Tenth Nordic dialectology conference in Mariehamn, Åland


Med orden på fingertopparna

Video interview (in Finnish) about the Deaf and signed languages


Grammatik som politik ['Grammar as politics']

Inteviewed (in Swedish)

Humanistilehti 8/2006

2004 (Interview on March 3)

Työelämän haasteet yliopisto-opetukselle - professoreiden mietteitä työelämäorientaatiosta ['Working-life challenges for university education']

Interviewed (in Finnish)

Article published in Humanistilehti no 5, 2004, pp. 5-7


Taal dialekt i staan [‘Speak dialect on the town']

Interview (in Swedish) in connection with being appointed to the (dialect) professorship in Scandinavian languages at the University of Helsinki

Språkbruk 4/2002


Östman's combination of Indian languages and the dialect of Solf

Interviewed in English

Universitas Helsingiensis 2/1998

Prizes, distinctions, and honors


Elected (int'l) member (ledamot) of Kungl.. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala (The Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala), Sweden

2021 (November 30, 2021)

Svenska Akademiens språkforskarpris 2021 [The Swedish Academy's linguist prize 2021]


Elected (int'l) member (ledamot) of Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala (Societas Litterarum Humaniorum Regia Vpsaliensis), Sweden

2017, February 17

Festseminarium - Festive Seminar in honor of prof. em. Jan-Ola Östman's retirement: J, prAgmatics, liNgvistik,  discOurse, diaLekter, Ansvar; University of Helsinki

Org.: Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki

2015, December 6

Riddartecknet av I klass av Finlands Vita Ros Orden

Order of the White Rose: FVR R I, RFinlVRO1kl

Presented by the President of Finland

2015, June 11

Svenska ärendens bragdpris 2015 för särskilda insatser universitetets tvåspråkighet till fromma

Prize/distinction awarded by the University of Helsinki's unit for Swedish matters, for having worked for the benefit of the bilingual status of the university


Vetenskapssamfundets medalj i guld för 30 års universitetstjänst - Tiedeyhteisön kultainen palvelusvuosiansiomerkki

The "scientific community" of Finland's medal in gold for 30 years of university service

2011, October 21

Festsymposium: "Variation, Syntax, Orientation and Pragmatics"

Festive seminar in honor of Jan-Ola Östman on his 60th birthday


Årets bragd 

The feat of the year

Finlandssvenska teckenspråkiga


Recipient of The Eino Kaila prize for best teacher at the University of Helsinki

Awarded on the basis of students' views and assessment


Recipient of Festschrift on the occasion Jan-Ola Östman's 50th birthday: Postcards, implicitness, constructions, ed. by Ville Laakso, Jaakko Leino & Jarno Raukko. Helsinki: PIC vol. 50.


Elected life-time member of the Humanities Section of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters - Societas Scientiarum Fennica



ASLA-Fulbright Scholarship for studies in the U.S.A (University of California, Berkeley)

Included in Who's Who type publications

- a selection:

Vem och vad  (in Swedish), 2010 edition, p. 872.

Kuka kukin on (in Finnish), 2015 edition,  p. 1046.

Suomen professorit - Finlands professorer 1640-2007, 2008 edition, p. 854.