The MisLi Project
"Consequential Misconceptions about Local and Global Linguistic Realities"
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Funded 2020–2023 by FVS, SLS, Svenska Kulturfonden & Emil Aaltonen Foundation
Project Leader: Tomás Lehecka
PI: Jan-Ola Östman
The EXIT Project
"Risk communication and responsibility: New
perspectives on evacuation practices"
Dalarna University, Sweden
Funded 2020–2021 by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Co-PLs: Catharina Nyström Höög, Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman
Continues as the RISK Project (co-PLs: Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman) with occasional funding
The ERSA Project
"European migration to Rural Swedish-language Areas"
Fieldwork 2018–2019 funded by the Department of Scandinavian languages, Uppsala University
Co-PLs: Lena Ekberg, Margareta Swahn, Ellen Bijvoet, Lise Horneman-Hansen & Jan-Ola Östman
The LIRA Project
"Language and Integration in Rural Areas in Swedish-language Finland"
Co-funded 2014–2017 by the Universities of Helsinki and Stockholm
Co-PLs: Jan-Ola Östman & Lena Ekberg (Lund)
PhD student: Marion Kwiatkowski
Completed projects
Joint linguistics project between the University of Helsinki and Stockholm University
Helsinki PL: Hanna Lehti-Eklund
Member of Helsinki Steering Group: Jan-Ola Östman
Parallel language use
Network & Working group appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers
Network: Parallelsproglige mål for Nordens internationaliserede universiteter
PL for both: Frans Gregersen (Copenhagen)
PI for Finland for both: Jan-Ola Östman
2011–2013 (Network); 2014–2015 (Working group)
Linguistic and Cultural Diversity at Work
Funded by the Norwegian Research Council
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
PI: Florian Hiss
Project partner: Jan-Ola Östman
The Language, Meaning, and Society Researcher Community at the University of Helsinki
PL : Jan-Ola Östman
Organized seminars twice a year.
Språklig mångfald inom den högre utbildningen i Finland och övriga Nordeuropa ['Multilingualism in higher education in Finland and in the rest of Northern Europe']
PL: Tom Moring
Project member: Jan-Ola Östman
DY-LINE was a spin-off of the pan-European project DYLAN (Language dynamics and management of diversity) 2006-2011 under Framework Programme 6 (FP6) of the European Union; one of the 20 ressearch institutions was the University of Helsinki, with Tom Moring as PL; Jan-Ola Östman was a participating member of the Helsinki section of DYLAN
Pan-Nordic Centre of Excellence in Microcomparative Syntax, UiT Tromsø, Norway
PL: Peter Svenonius
PI of the Helsinki/Finnish group: Jan-Ola Östman
Pan-Nordic project on Scandinavian Dialect Syntax, UiT Tromsø, Norway
PL: Peter Svenonius & Øystein Vangsnes
PI (later co-PI) of the Finnish part of the project 2005-2010: Jan-Ola Östman
International Communication Monitor 2000-2001 at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels, Belgium
PI's: Jef Verschueren & Jan-Ola Östman
Member: Michael Meeuwis
Research-and-administrative projects
Much of my project work has a strong administrative side. As the Director (2013-2017) of the Doctoral program for Language Studies (Helslang) I was responsible for the doctoral training in language studies at the University of Helsinki, and I represented the program in international endeavors like LingNet Europe and within the joint humanities PhD Nordic Capital Universities memorandum of understanding. Detailed information about research and university administration can be found in a separate folder.
Standard Language Ideologies in Contemporary Europe
PL: Tore Kristiansen (Copenhagen)
PI for the Finland-Swedish part of the project: Jan-Ola Östman
Four volumes have so far been published in a sub-series at Novus Forlag (Oslo).
The MIN Project
Moderne importord i språka i Norden ['Modern imported words and structures in the languages in the Nordic countries']
PL: Helge Sandøy (Bergen); co-PL: Tore Kristiansen (Copenhagen)
PI for Finland: Jan-Ola Östman
A pan-Nordic project that investigates the use and adaptation of (English) loanwords in seven Nordic communities, and people's opinions about them and attitudes toward them. The term "modern imports" refers to (mostly English) loanwords and loan structures that have entered the Nordic countries after WWII. Issues of globalization, domain loss, and linguistic purism are central themes in the project.
The research carried out in Finland had the following members in addition to the PI: Pirkko Nuolijärvi (co-PI), Leila Mattfolk, Åsa Mickwitz, Ulla Paatola, Malin Löfström, Hanna Hakala, Saija Tamminen-Parre, Pirjo Hiidenmaa, Anu Lahtinen.
Many of the projects' publications (so far, 14 volumes) have been published in a special subseries by Novus Forlag, Oslo; at least one further volume is forthcoming in this series.
The PIC Project
The Pragmatics, Ideology, and Contacts Project - The Prosody, Interaction Project
PL: Jan-Ola Östman
An interdepartmental project at the University of Helsinki with special focus on discourse, media, contact, ideology and responsibility. The project organizes seminars and publishes the following series/journals: PIC-Bulletin, PIC Monographs, and PIC-Reports.
The project was originally situated at the English department of the University of Helsinki, while Östman was professor there. The PIC Poject was financed by the Academy of Finland for three years, 1994-1996. During 1999-2002 the project functioned in parallel with the research program Pragmatic Variability within the Research Unit for Variation and Change in English (Varieng) at the English department; during this time research within the project was jointly financed by the Academy of Finland and the University of Helsinki. In 2002 the project took the name The PIC Project, and it has functioned as a common platform for PhD candidates, post-doc and other researchers from different departments and fields with common PIC interests. Especially scholars from Scandinavian languages, English, Finnish, General linguistics, and Gender studies have been active within the project.
Members of the PIC Project in addition to the PI include Pekka Kuusisto, Anna Solin, Jarno Raukko, Diana ben-Aaron, Maija Stenvall, Taija Townsend, Ville Laakso, Ulla Paatola, Minna Paananen-Porkka, Mila Engelberg, Elizabeth Peterson, Niini Vartia-Paukku.
Within the project (or in close interaction with members of the project), several PhD theses have been written. Most of these have been published in the PIC Monographs series.
Archived but resurfacing
© Jan-Ola Östman 2023