I retired in 2016
So far, only a couple of courses that I taught
after that are recorded below
Spring term (January–March) 2020
Uppsala University, Sweden
Department of Linguistics and Philology
Course on Semantics and Pragmatics
Fall term (November 2018 – January 2019)
Uppsala university, Sweden
Department of Scandinavian languages
Undergraduate course, Språket i samhället ['Language in society'], 24 hrs
October 21–28, 2018
IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Org.: IPrA - International Pragmatics Association & IITGn – Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Workshop in pragmatics: The pragmatics of political discourse in the public sphere
Mini-course on "Social responsibility in studying language use"
a) "Pragmatics as grammar: Responsibility, implicit anchoring, frames and constructions"
b) "Responsibility for language(s) & Issues of self-reflexivity"
c) "Responsibility for language, linguists’ responsibilities, ideology, and power"
Spring term (January–May)
– my last term of teaching as professor at the University of Helsinki
* Grammatikens trender och traditioner: Konstruktionsdiskurs ['Trends and traditions in Grammar: Construction Discourse'], 28 hrs, Scandinavian languages, University of Helsinki
* Pragmatik i praktiken ['Pragmatics in practice'], 28 hrs, Scandinavian languages, University of Helsinki
* Seminarium ['MA seminar'], 28 hrs, Scandinavian languages, University of Helsinki
* CxG-piiri ['Construction Grammar Circle'], together with Jaakko Leino, 10 hrs, University of Helsinki
* Regional variation ['Regional variation'], 10 hrs, Scandinavian languages, University of Helsinki
I might add "interesting courses" below – as, and if, I remember them
October 10–15
Organizer and teacher of a PhD Course on Narrative and responsibility, at UiT, the Arctic University in Tromsø, Norway
– with Srikant Sarangi, Michael Bamberg & Gunter Senft
© Jan-Ola Östman 2024