Guest lectures, invited talks and other academic presentations
April 23, 2024
Uppsala Senioruniversitet –Uppsala University of the Third Age, Sweden
Ellen Bijvoet & Jan-Ola Östman, guest lecture in the lecture series Svenska dialekter förr och nu ['Dialects of Swedish yesterday and today']: "Dialekten i dag – migranter möter den dialektala lokalbefolkningen" ['The dialect today – migrants encountering the dialectal local population']
February 28, 2024
[with Annelie Ädel]
Presentation of the book Risk Discourse and Responsibility, ed. by Ädel & Östman.
February 27, 2024
Uppsala Senioruniversitet –Uppsala University of the Third Age, Sweden
Jan-Ola Östman, guest lecture in the lecture series Svenska dialekter förr och nu ['Dialects of Swedish yesterday and today']: "'Östsvenska' med fokus på de österbottniska dialekterna" ['"Eastern Swedish" – with a focus on dislects in Ostrobothnia']
February 15, 2024
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
Symposium on Languages and understanding.
Central Library Oodi, Helsinki, Finland
Jan-Ola Östman, invited talk on "Förståelse handlar inte bara om språk – om integration till landsbygden" ['Understanding is not only a matter of language – on integration to rural areas']
October 4–5, 2023
Invited commentator at the symposium Folkligt skrivande 1750–1950. Dagböcker som källor till vardagligt liv och emancipatoriskt skrivande ['Writing from below 1750–1950. Diaries as sources to everyday life and emancipatory writing]. Åbo Akademi University, Finland.
October 2, 2023
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Spremi – the Graduate seminar in linguistics
Invited guest lecture
Jan-Ola Östman: "Construction Grammar forty years after: Constructions all the way up!"
July 9–14, 2023
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Belgium
Jan-Ola Östman: Invited discussant presentation for the Panel on Revisiting ideologies of English in the Nordic countries
May 10, 2023
Dalarna University, Sweden
Seminar presentation (Forum för språkvetenskap)
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman,
"Adrenaline hunting in “arctic Lapland”: Positive and negative risk in adventure tourism discourse"
March 14, 2023
Uppsala Senioruniversitet – Uppsala University of the Third Age, Sweden
Jan-Ola Östman & Ulla Börestam, guest lecture in the lecture series Alla tiders svenska ['Swedish of all times']: "Med engelskan i carry-on-bagaget – de nordiska språken i globaliseringens tidevarv" ['With English in the carry-on luggage – the Nordic languages in the age of globalization']
November 3–4, 2022
Nordica, University of Helsinki, Finland
Symposium on Finland-Swedish sign language: “Med rätt att teckna” [‘With the right to sign’]
Invited presentation:
“Från ‘minoritetsspråk inom minoritetsspråk’ till … ’språk’ – Över 20 år av forskning i finlandssvenskt teckenspråk vid Helsingfors universitet”
Invited panelist in Panel discussion on the future of FinSSL
October 28, 2022
Dalarna University, Sweden
Seminar presentation
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman:
“Reflections on a linguistic research project foregrounding societal relevance: From SOS to risk discourse”
May 24, 2022
Workshop (org. by The DiaPass Project) on Diachrony of passive voice in North Germanic, Poznan, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Invited presentation:
"Passives from constructional perspective: In search of a functional tertium comparationis"
May 13–14, 2022
English Department, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Secret Seminar [for Tuija Virtanen]
Invited presentation:
“Responsibility in Construction Discourse”
March 31 - April 1, 2022
Uppsala University, Scandinavian languages, Sweden
Symposium on Variationslingvistik ['Variational linguistics']
Invited panelparticipant in panel on the future of variational linguistics
February 19, 2022
FinnFest2022, U.S.A.: Multilingual Finland
Invited presentation (Zoom):
"The Past, Present, and Future of Swedish in Finland"
December 17, 2021
Uppsala University, Scandinavian languages: language testing group; Winter conference in Aronsborg, Sweden
Invited presentation:
Ungdomars ansvar för klimatet - om att analysera undermedvetna attityder i uppsatser ['Adolescents' responsibility for the climate - on analyzing subconscious attitudes in essays']
September 15, 2021
Stockholm University, Dept of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Invited guest lecture/seminar on
"Från plats till ställe på vykort: Om ansvar, det perifera och appropriering - och om framväxten av 'Det Moderna' i Svenskfinland"['From space to place on postards: On responsibility, the periphery and appropriation – and on the emergence of Modernity in Swedish-language Finland']
May 5, 2021
Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden
Annelie Ädel, Catharina Nyström Höög & Jan-Ola Östman, Forskardagen-presentation of the EXIT project:
"Risk and responsibility: Voices from low-risk workplaces"
February 3, 2021
University of Helsinki, Finland
Guest seminar at Scandinavian languages:
"ERSA-projektet, eller Inomeuropeisk migration på landsbygden: Narrativ positionering och identitetskonstruktion" ['The ERSA project (European migration to Rural Swedish-language Areas), or Europe-internal migration to the countryside: Narrative positioning and identity construction']
December 15, 2020
Dalarna University, Sweden
Intercultural Language Studies
Annelie Ädel, Catharina Nyström Höög & Jan-Ola Östman, Work in progress presentation of the EXIT project plus: "In case of emergency: A discourse perspective on evacuation practices"
November 26, 2020
University of Oulu, Finland
Invited lecture/seminar on the PhD course "Usage-based grammar: what is it and how do we apply it?"
Presentation: "Construction Discourse: Context, Responsibility, andthe Periphery"
November 19, 2020
University of Oulu, Finland
Invited lecture/seminar on the PhD course "Usage-based grammar: what is it and how do we apply it?"
Presentation: "Inomeuropeisk migration på landsbygden: Narrativ positionering och identitetskonstruktion" ['Europe-internal migration to the countryside: Narrative positioning and identity construction']
October 22, 2020
Uppsala University, Sweden
Guest seminar at the English department:
"Discourse, Responsibility, and the Periphery"
December 16, 2019
Uppsala university, English department
Workshop on "Language Contact: Heritage Languages and Beyond"
Invited presentation:
"Intra-European Migration to Rural Areas: Identity construction among dialect speakers"
November 11, 2019
University of Gothenburg, Swedish
Invited presentation:
"Konstruktionsdiskurs (CxD) som den ultimata grammatiken" ['Construction Discourse (CxD) as the ultimate grammar']
November 6, 2019
Uppsala university, Scandinavian languages
Seminar presentation
Ellen Bijvoet, Lena Ekberg, Lise Hansen, Margareta Svahn & Jan-Ola Östman, ”Dialekt och flerspråkighet: Inomeuropeisk invandring till landsbygd i Sverige och Svenskfinland" ['Dialect and multilingualism: European migration to rural Swedish-language areas']
September 25, 2019
Dalarna university, Falun
UL-seminar presentation:
"Invandrares identitetspositionering via språk:
Om att hitta tillhörighet på landsbygden" ['Immigrants' identity positioning through language: On finding social belonging in rural areas']
May 21, 2019
Dalarna university, Falun
ISTUD-seminar with Catharina Nyström Höög & Annelie Ädel on Language and security (the SOS Project), esp. on warning signs
March 26, 2019
Uppsala, Uppsala university
Org.: Sällskapet för svensk dialektologi ['The Swedish dialectology society']
Presentation: "Ungdomar och dialekter i ett senmodernt Österbotten" ['Adolescents and dialects in a late modern Ostrobothnia']
November 23, 2018
Seminar on "Det nordiske klasserum" ['The Nordic classroom']; Schæffergården (outside Copenhagen)
Org.: Nordiske Sprogpiloter & NordSpråk, Nordisk Sprogkoordination
Invited presentation:
"Språksituationen i vårt senmoderna Norden – och språkvetarens ansvar" ['The linguistic situation in our late modern Norden – and the responsibilities of the linguist']
October 16, 2018
Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden
Org.: Humtank & ISTUD
Invited presentation:
"Språkets makt och språkvetarens ansvar" ['The power of language and the responsibilities of linguists']
October 8-9, 2018
Mid-Sweden university, Sundsvall, Sweden
Workshop on "Bilden av det svenska" ['Swedish in pictures']
Co-organizer of workshop and presentation on "Från plats till ställe på vykort: ansvar, appropriering och etnicitet" ['From space to place on postcards: responsibility, appropriation and ethnicity']
September 13, 2018
Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
Org.: School of Culture and Learning
Invited presentation:
"Språk, ansvar och språkvetenskaparnas ansvar:
Migration, parallellspråkighet och periferins betydelse" ['Language, responsibility and the responsibility of linguists: Migration, parallel language use and the importance of the periphery']
April 20, 2018
Sundsvall, Sweden
Org.: Swedish/Humanities, Mid-Sweden University (Ann-Catrine Edlund)
Invited guest lecture:
"Immigration, dialekt och språkvetenskapligt ansvar – Vad är det som sker på landsbygden i svenska Österbotten?!" ['Immigration, dialect and linguistic responsibility - What's happening in rural Swedish-language Ostrobothnia?!']
April 12, 2018
Uppsala, Sweden
Org.: Adolf Noreen-sällskapet, Department of Scandinavian languages, Uppsala university
Invited presentation at the association's annual meeting:
"Migration, ansvar och identitet: den tredje positionen hos bosnier i svenska Österbotten" ['Migration, responsibility and identity: The third position of Bosnians in Swedish-language Ostrobothnia']
March 21, 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
Org.: Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism, Stockholm university
Invited presentation - the Annual Olle Josephson Talk:
"Språkforskning och ansvar. Om parallellspråkighet och om immigration till landsbygden" ['Linguistics and responsibility. On parallel language use and on immigration to rural areas']
February 8-9, 2018
Helsinki, Finland
Symposium on Svenskan och språkundervisning i det flerspråkiga klassrummet ['The Swedish language and language teaching in the multilingual classroom']
Org.: FNF [Föreningen för Nordisk Filologi, 'The Nordic Philology Society']
Invited presentation:
"Om att nyanlända till den svenska landsbygden i Finland: Ansvar" ['On newly arriving in the Swedish-language countryside in Finland: Responsibility']
December 8, 2017
Seminar in honor of prof. Jef Verschueren on the occasion of his retirement
Org.: University of Antwerp, Belgium
Invited presentation:
"The Open Society and its Linguistic Responsibilities"
December 8, 2017
Frank Brisard's lecture series on Pragmatics and grammar; University of Antwerp, Belgium
Org.: Department of Linguistics
Guest lecture on "Pragmatics in Construction Grammar"
September 14-15, 2017
Workshop om språk, mangfold og ansvar ['Workshop on language, diversity and responsibility']
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Org.: Florian Hiss (Project on "Linguistic and Cultural Diversity at Work")
Invited presentation on "LIRA-projektet: Språk, integrering och ansvar i Österbotten" ['The LIRA project: Language, integration and responsibility']
August 24, 2017
Seminar in honor of prof. em. Helge Sandy, University of Bergen, Norway
Org.: Department of linguistic, literary and aesthetic studies
Invited presentation:
"'Dö kan ta påijtJin yyr byyin, men int byyin yyr påijtJin' - Om självkolonialiseringens förbannelse och välsignelse"
April 18, 2017
Linguistics seminar; Uppsala university
Org.: Department of linguistics and philology
Invited seminar presentation:
"Constructions as cross-linguistic generalizations over instances: The case of passives"
April 2, 2017
Nordiske Sprogpiloter; Schæffergården (outside Copen-hagen)
Org.: Nordisk Sprogkoordination
Invited presentation:
"Språksituationen i vårt senmoderna Norden" ['The linguistic situation in our late modern Norden']
March 30, 2017
Linguistics seminar; Stockholm university
Org.: Department of linguistics
Invited seminar presentation:
"The Proper-Name-Phrase construction: Perspectives on the apposition-epithet controversy"
March 13
Michael Dunn's lecture series on Language and Cognition; Uppsala university, Sweden
Org.: Department of Linguistics and philology
Guest lecture on
"The Construction Grammar (CxG) and Construction Discourse (CxD) Perspectives on Cognition"
February 17
Seminar in honor of prof. em. Jan-Ola Östman: J, prAgmatics, liNgvistik, discOurse, diaLekter, Ansvar; University of Helsinki
Org.: Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki
Farewell lecture:
"Makt som språk - Power as language"
February 6
Annual Multidisciplinary Science & Humanities Meeting; topic 2017: "Languages: Nature, Humans, Machines"; Jerusalem, Israel
Org.: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Invited presentation:
"Language: Variable, adaptable - yet restrained"
September 1-2
Nordiska språkmötet 2016: Ett flerspråkigt samhälle; University of Vaasa, Finland
Org.: Institutet för de inhemska språken, together with Nordisk språkkoordination and Nätverket för de nordiska språknämnderna
Invited presentation, together with Lena Ekberg:
"Språk och integration på landsbygden i svenska Österbotten" ['Language and integration in the Swedish-language Ostrobothnian countryide']
April 28
Symposium om Språket på landsbygden
Org.: Dialekt-, namn- och folkminnesarkivet i Göteborg (DAG), Sweden
Invited presentation, together with Lena Ekberg:
"Integration på närpesiska - språkbruk och språkkontakt på landsbygden i Svenskfinland" ['Integration in the Närpes dialect - language use and language contact in the countryside in Swedish-language Finland']
April 13-15
Workshop on Dialect acquisition and migration
Org.: Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (Multiling), Oslo, Norway
Invited presentation, together with Lena Ekberg:
"Language and integration in rural areas: first- and second-generation dialect acquisition and identity construction"
April 10
Helsinki Lectures on Intersubjectivity
Org.: The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Intersubjectivity in Interaction; University of Helsinki, Finland
Invited presentation:
"Responsibility in Construction Discourse"
May 16?
University of Antwerp, Linguistics
Invited presentation:
November 5-7
FRIAS - Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Invited participation in Space Workshop I: Grammar, Space and Cognition
June 11
Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm university
Invited presentation:
"Konstruktionsgrammatik och språkinlärning" ['Construction grammar and language learning']
Plenaries and Keynote presentations
at conferences and workshops
May 4-6, 2022
Svenskans beskrivning 38 [Conference on the description of Swedish], Örebro University, Sweden
Invited plenary presentation:
Från "Dialekternas senmoderna plats: Om att trampa på samma ställe" till "Om plats och ställe som grammatiska verktyg" [Space and place as grammatical tools; toward a late modern dialectology]
October 3-4, 2018
NOS-HS Workshop on New Trends in Nordic Socio-onomastics - Socio-onomastikens teori ['The theoretical underpinnings of Socio-onomastics'], Helsinki, Finland
Org.: NOS-HS & University of Helsinki
Invited presentation:
"Från ett pragmatiskt perspektiv på namn till ett onomastiskt perspektiv på språkbruk" ['From a pragmatic perspective on names to an onomastic perspective on language use']
May 28-30, 2018
DiPVaC 4 conference, University of Helsinki, Finland
Org.: DiPVaC [Discourse-Pragmatic Variation & Change Research network]
Invited keynote presentation:
"Pragmatic particles, constructions, and responsibility"
August 1-3, 2016
Europhras Conference; Trier University, Germany
Org.: Europäische Gesellschaft für Phraseologie
Invited plenary talk:
"There are constructions, and then there are idiomatic constructions: On constraining the variability of routine expressions"
© Jan-Ola Östman 2023