Submitted, forthcoming
[NB. "Forthcoming" means that the production process is on-going at the publisher; "Submitted" means 'waiting for decision']
Jan-Ola Östman. Forthcoming 2024. Modes of Expressing Finland-Swedishness: Swedish and Finland-Swedish Sign Language in Finland. To appear in a Special Issue (27: 2, pp. 181–207) of the Journal of Finnish Studies called Multilingual Finland – Part 1, ed. by Lotta Weckström & Helena Halmari.
Jan-Ola Östman. Forthcoming. Identity glocalization in rural peripheries. To appear in: Identity perspectives from peripheries, ed. by Yoshiko Matsumoto & Jan-Ola Östman. [Pragmatics and Beyond new series] Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Jan-Ola Östman & Helena Halmari. Forthcoming. Death-Row Inmates’ Last Statements: Establishing Identity through Expressions of Responsibility. To appear in: Identity perspectives from peripheries, ed. by Yoshiko Matsumoto & Jan-Ola Östman. [Pragmatics and Beyond new series] Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Yoshiko Matsumoto & Jan-Ola Östman. Forthcoming. Identities and Peripheries. To appear in: Identity perspectives from peripheries, ed. by Yoshiko Matsumoto & Jan-Ola Östman. [Pragmatics and Beyond new series] Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Yoshiko Matsumoto & Jan-Ola Östman, eds. Forthcoming. Identity perspectives from peripheries. [Pragmatics and Beyond new series] Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Tomas Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman. Submitted. What Linguists Think Everyone Should Know about Language – On Extracting Societal Salience from Open-ended Responses. Submitted to Folia Linguistica.
Jan-Ola Östman. Submitted. Vykort som dynamiska dagböcker [Postcards as dynamic diaries]
Jan-Ola Östman. Submitted. Construction Discourse as Mediator between Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics: Focus on Responsibility.
[Mirjam Fried, Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 39: Vassiliki Geka, Imperative-based Dialogic Constructions and Discourse Units. Forthcoming 2025.
© Jan-Ola Östman 2024