Jan-Ola Östman. 2025. Construction Discourse. The Cambridge Handbook of Construction Grammar, ed. by Mirjam Fried & Kiki Nikiforidou (519–539). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman. Published online February 3, 2025. Positive and negative risk in adventure tourism discourse: Adrenaline hunting in “arctic Lapland”. Text & Talk. AoP at
[Mirjam Fried, Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 38: Kiki Nikiforidou & Mirjam Fried (eds.), Multimodal Communication from a Construction Grammar Perspective. 2025. vi + 317 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman. 2024. Review of Lotta Aarikka, Murre ja sen tutkimus. Näkökulmia fennistisen murteentutkimuksen historiaan ja kieli-ideologioihin 1871–2017 ['Dialect and its study. Perspectives on the history and language ideologies of Finnish dialectological research 1871–2017']. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Turku, 2023. Arkiv för nordisk filologi 139: 181–183.
Jan-Ola Östman. 2024. Review of Väinö Syrjälä, Terhi Ainiala & Pamela Gustavsson, eds., Namn och gränser ['Names and borders']. NORNA förlaget, Uppsala, 2023. Arkiv för nordisk filologi 139: 191–193.
Jan-Ola Östman. 2024. Review of Evie Coussé, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt & Julia Prentice, eds., Constructional approaches to Nordic languages. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2023. Arkiv för nordisk filologi 139: 184–186.
Jan-Ola Östman. 2024. Review/Endorsement of Elizabeth Peterson & Kristy Beers Fägersten (eds.), English in the Nordic Countries. Connections, Tensions, and Everyday Realities. Routledge. Website.
Ellen Bijvoet & Jan-Ola Östman. 2023. Talkin’ ’bout my Integration: Views on Language, Identity and Integration among Dutch and Finnish Migrants to the Swedish Countryside. In Language Contacts and Discourses in the Far North (125–161), ed. by Maria Frick, Tiina Räisänen & Jussi Ylikoski. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [Arctic Encounters] [Open access]
Anneli Ädel, Jan-Ola Östman & Catharina Nyström Höög. 2023. From Risk and Responsibility to Risk Discourse. In Risk Discourse and Responsibility, ed. by Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman (2–37) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, #336.]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Tomas Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman. 2023. Toward Establishing What Linguists Think the General Public Should Know about Language: Salient vs. important issues in linguistics. Language and Linguistic Compass 17 (2), e12482. (12 pp.) https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12482
Jan-Ola Östman. 2023. Pragmatik, ansvar och konstruktioner. Fyra utmaningar för variationslingvistiken [Pragmatics, responsibility and constructions. Four challenges for sociolinguistics]. In Variationslingvistik i Norden – språkförändringsprocesser i dagens samhälle. [(Variational) Sociolinguistics in the Nordic countries – processes of language change in today’s society. (In memory of Bengt Nordberg.)], ed. by Natalia Ganuza, David Håkansson, Björn Melander & Mats Thelander, 163–168. Uppsala University: Department of Scandinavian Languages. [Publications # 104]
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman (eds.). 2023. Risk Discourse and Responsibility. [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, #336.] Amsterdam: John Benjamins. vii + 260 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman. 2023. Review of Ann-Marie Ivars, Folkminnen från Sydösterbotten. Berättelser om folktro [‘Folk memories in southern Ostrobothnia. Folklore stories’]. Ivars, Helsinki, 2022. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 138: 214–215.
Jan-Ola Östman. 2023. Review of Marika Tandefelt (ed.), Reflektioner om svenskan i Finland – i dag och i går [‘Reflections on the Swedish language in Finland – today and yesterday’]. The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS), Helsinki, 2022. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 138: 219–222.
[Mirjam Fried, Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 34: Inga Hennecke & Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.), 2023. Constructions in Spanish, 2023. vi + 409 pp.
[Mirjam Fried, Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 35: Tobias Ungerer, Structural Priming in the Grammatical Network, 2023. xii + 236 pp.
[Mirjam Fried, Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 36: Jacqueline Laws, 2023. A Constructional Account of Verb-Forming Suffixation, 2023. xxiv + 393 pp.
[Mirjam Fried, Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 37: Evie Coussé, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Julia Prentice (eds.), Constructional Approaches to Nordic Languages. 2023. v + 278 pp.
Annelie Ädel, Catharina Nyström Höög & Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. Risks and responsibilities in the workplace. Employees discussing evacuation situations. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 16 (3) [2019]: 265–288.
Tomas Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. What should everyone know about language? On the fluidity of important questions in linguistics. Finnish Journal of Linguistics 35: 51–80. Available at https://journal.fi/finjol/article/view/113907
Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. Plats och ställe på vykort från Wasa 1900–1920: Om ansvar och framväxten av ”det moderna” [‘Space and place on postcards from Wasa 1900–1920: On responsibility and the emergence of Modernity’]. In Svenskan i Finland 19: 375–387. [Ed. by Siv Björklund, Bodil Haagensen, Marianne Nordman and Anders Westerlund. Skrifter utgivna av Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet nr 82]
Jan-Ola Östman. 2022. La Grammatica Delle Costruzioni. [Construction Grammar; the article is in English. Prompted by interview questions from Gianluca Colella.]. La lingua Italiana XVIII: 215–222.
Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. Discourse, Pragmatics and Responsibility. [Foreword to] Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change. Theory, Innovation, Contact (xix–xxv), ed. by Elizabeth Peterson, Turo Hiltunen & Joseph Kern. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108864183.001
Jef Verschueren & Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), 2022. Handbook of Pragmatics Manual, 2nd ed. xxi + 1851 + 29 pp. [Published as two volumes.] Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [E-book and Hardbound] [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2022. Handbook of Pragmatics. 24th Annual Installment. xiii + 284 pp. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.[E-book and Hardbound] [Entries available electronically]
Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Östman. 2022. Contact linguistics. In Handbook of Pragmatics Manual, 2nd ed. (325–332), ed. by Jef Verschueren & Jan-Ola Östman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [A mininmally edited version of earlier publication.]
Jan-Ola Östman & Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen. 2022. Firthian linguistics. In Handbook of Pragmatics Manual, 2nd ed. (558–562), ed. by Jef Verschueren & Jan-Ola Östman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [A mininmally edited version of earlier publication.]
Jan-Ola Östman & Tuija Virtanen. 2022. Text and discourse linguistics. In Handbook of Pragmatics Manual, 2nd ed. (1376–1393), ed. by Jef Verschueren & Jan-Ola Östman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [A mininmally edited version of earlier publication.]
Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. Review of Ann-Marie Ivars, Amerikaminnen. Återvandrare och invandrare berättar [‘Memories from America. Narratives by returning migrants and immigrants]. Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, Helsingfors & Appell, Stockholm, 2020. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 137: 160–162.
Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. Review of Sharam Alghasi, Elisabeth Eide & Anne Hege Simonsen, Hvem er “vi” nå? Medier og minoriteter i Norge [‘Who are “we” now? The media and minorities’]. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2020. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 137: 156–158.
Jan-Ola Östman, 2022. Review of Leif Höckerstedt, Språk, språk, språk. Finlandssvenskan i kläm [‘Language, language, language. Finland Swedish in a tight spot’]. BoD, Stockholm 2020. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 137: 159–160.
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 33: Elizabeth Closs Traugott, 2022. Discourse structuring markers in English: A historical constructionalist perspective on pragmatics (xviii + 274 pp.)
Jan-Ola Östman, 2021. Constructions as discourse-restrained flexible prototypes. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34 (2020): 273–282. https://doi.org/10.1075/bjl00052.ost
Jan-Ola Östman & Leila Mattfolk, 2021. Introducing the Name-Phrase Construction. In Språkets Funktion [Festschrift for Urpo Nikanne] (244–264), ed. by Leena Maria Heikkola, Geda Paulsen, Katarzyna Wojciechowicz and Jutta Rosenberg. Åbo Akademi University Press.
Jan-Ola Östman, 2021. Skillnader mellan sverigesvenskan och finlandssvenskan upphör aldrig att intressera. Review of Catrin Norrby, Jan Lindström, Jenny Nilsson & Camilla Wide, Interaktion och variation i pluricentriska språk ['Interaction and variation in plurucentric languages']. Riksbankens jubileumsfonds skriftserie nr 21, 2021. Språkbruk December 16, 2021. On-line publication, available at https://www.sprakbruk.fi/-/skillnader-mellan-sverigesvenskan-och-finlandssvenskan-upphör-aldrig-att-intressera-och-fascinera
Jan-Ola Östman, 2021. The Jaakko Matti Leino construct. In Kilitieteen antimet [Festschrift for Jaakko Leino], p. 34. University of Helsinki: Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies.
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 29: Myriam Bouveret (ed.), 2021. Give constructions across languages (viii + 246 pp.).
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 30: Hans C. Boas and Steffen Höder (eds.) 2021. Constructions in Contact 2: Language change, multilingual practices, andadditional language acquisition (vii + 437 pp.).
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 31: Rachel Hatchard, 2021. Cognitive Aphasiology – A usage-based approach to language in aphasia (xx + 311 pp.).
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 32: Martin Hilpert, Bert Cappelle and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), 2021. Modality and Diachronic Construction Grammar (v + 251 pp.).
Lena Ekberg & Jan-Ola Östman, published online January 31, 2020. Identity construction and dialect acquisition among immigrants in rural areas – the case of Swedish-language Finland. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. AoP at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01434632.2020.1722681.
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2020. Handbook of Pragmatics. 23rd Annual Installment. xiii + 272 pp. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [E-book and Hardbound] [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman, 2020. Review of Martin Hilpert, Construction Grammar and its Application to English, 2nd edition, 2019. Edinburgh University Press. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18(2): 550–558.
Pedro Gras, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, eds., 2020. Form and Meaning in Language, Volume II: Fillmore on Discourse and Pragmatics. [CSLI Lecture Notes No. 227] Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. (xxi+359 pp.)
Pedro Gras, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, eds., 2020. Form and Meaning in Language, Volume III: Fillmore on Linguistic Theory and Constructions. [CSLI Lecture Notes No. 228] Stanford:Center for the Study of Language and Information. (xxvi+371 pp.)
Jan-Ola Östman, 2020. Review of Frans Gregersen & Mette Jørgensen (eds.), Nyt nordisk! Initiativer inden for nordisk sprog- og tekstpædagogik ['Use "Nordic"! Initiatives in Nordic language and text education'], 2019. Copenhagen: Nordplus. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 135: 171–173.
Jan-Ola Östman, 2020. Review of Elin Gunleifsen, DU som avhengig pronomenform i talespråket i Aust-Agder – en undersøkelse i virkelig tid ['DU 'you' as dependent pronoun form in the Aust-Agder dialect – an investigation in real time'], 2019. Oslo: Novus. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 135: 179–181.
Jan-Ola Östman, 2020. Review of Lars Engwall, Tina Hedmo & Olle Persson, Corpus linguistics in Sweden. Pioneers and their context, 2019. [KVHAA, Handlingar, Filologisk-filosofiska serien 25.] Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 135: 192–194.
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 26: Seizi Iwata, 2020. English resultatives. A force-recipient account (xx + 549 pp.).
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 27: Lotte Sommerer & Elena Smirnova (eds.), 2020. Nodes and Networks in Diachronic Construction Grammar (vi + 355 pp.).
[Jan-Ola Östman & Kyoko Ohara, editors of the John Benjamins (Amsterdam) book series Constructional Approaches to Language (CAL)] Volume 28: Ryan Dux, 2020. Frame-Constructional Verb Classes: Change and Theft verbs in English and German (x + 320 pp.).
© Jan-Ola Östman 2024