Conference presentations
May 26–28, 2025
Svenskans beskrivning 40 [Conference on the description of Swedish], Stockholm University, Sweden
Jan-Ola Östman: "Anonymisering, förtryck och interpersonligt ansvar" [Anonymization, oppression and interpersonal responsibility]
May 26–28, 2025
Svenskans beskrivning 40 [Conference on the description of Swedish], Stockholm University, Sweden
Maria Andersson-Koski and Jan-Ola Östman: "Om 'svenskans' ansvar för teckenspråk [On the responsibility of the discipline Swedish for sign languages]
January 9, 2025
The Night of Science, Helsinki, Finland
(organized by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and Kone Foundation)
Member of panel discussion (on Zoom) on
Vähemmistötutkija – osallinen vai sivustaseuraaja? ['On doing minority research – being an accessory or a bystander?']
Participants: Maarit Jaakkola (org.), Annika Pasanen, Boglárka Straszer, Jan-Ola Östman.
August 21–24, 2024
The 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
University of Helsinki, Finland
Special Outreach Session August 24 (org. by Alexandru Nicolae & Arie Verhagen)
Tomas Lehecka, Jan-Ola Östman: & Alexander Ginlund: "Justifying linguistic priorities: Public outreach grounded in linguists’ views on essential knowledge about language"
May 23–24, 2024
International Conference on Language Ideologies and Inequality with a Perspective on the Arctic
Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman: "On marketing Arctic ideologies on adventure tourism websites:Comparing Sápmi, Svalbard and Greenland"
February 29, 2024
Symposium on Global Perspectives on Languages and Societies from East to West
Falun, Dalarna university, Sweden
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman: "Positive Risk in the Arctic 'East and West': Tourism Discourse for the International Traveller Looking for Adventure in Sápmi and Greenland"
July 9–14, 2023
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Belgium
Lena Ekberg, Ellen Bijvoet & Jan-Ola Östman: “'It is our duty to secure our own customs' – Attitudes about migrants, language learning and dialect use in the rural North of Europe."
July 9–14, 2023
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Belgium
Tomas Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman: "Pragmaticists’ views on what laypeople should know about language"
July 9–14, 2023
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Belgium
Annelie Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman: “'You may feel a few butterflies in your stomach the first time walking out on a frozen lake': Balancing between positive and negative risk in adventure tourism discourse from 'arctic Lapland'”
July 9–14, 2023
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Belgium
Jan-Ola Östman & Helena Halmari: "Expressions of responsibility in the last statements by inmates on death row"
May 18–21, 2023
The 12th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG12), Prague, Czechia, 18–21 May, 2023
Jan-Ola Östman & Tomas Lehecka: Constructional preference: The case of question formation
July 7–8, 2022
ALA2022: The 16th Conference of the Association for Language Awareness: Language Awareness for the next 30 years, São Paulo, Brasilia
Tomas Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman, Zoom-presentation:
“Establishing what linguists think everyone should know about language”
May 12–14, 2022
XLVIII Kielitieteen päivät: Kontaktit, korpukset ja variaatio ['The 48th Conference on Finnish Linguistics'], Turku, University of Turku, Finland
Presentation by Tomas Lehecka and Jan-Ola Östman:
Alueellinen vaihtelu kielitieteilijöiden vastaauksissa kysymykseen "Mitä kaikkien tulisi tietää kielestä?" ['Areal variation in linguists' responses to the question "What should everyone know about language?"']
May 4-6, 2022
Svenskans beskrivning 38 [Conference on the description of Swedish], Örebro University, Sweden
Presentation by Tomas Lehecka and Jan-Ola Östman:
Könsskillnader i språkvetares åsikter om vad allmänheten bör veta om språk ['Gender differences in linguists' opinions about what the general public should know about language']
February 10-11, 2022
Lund University, Swedish and linguistics, Sweden
Annual conference on Grammatik i Fokus / Grammar in focus Zoom presentation by Tomas Lehecka and Jan-Ola Östman
"What grammarians think laypeople should know about language"
January 6-9, 2022
LSA Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
January 7, Session on "Public Understanding of Linguistics"
Zoom presentation by Tomas Lehecka and Jan-Ola Östman
"What everyone should know about language"
December 14, 2021
Zoom workshop, University of Oulu, Finland; Language and Literature
Workshop on Language Contacts and Discourses in the Far North
Ellen Bijvoet & Jan-Ola Östman, presentation and discussion of "Views on language, identity and integration among Dutch and Finnish migrants to the Swedish countryside"
December 10-11 ,2021
Dalarna University, Tällberg, Sweden
Catharina Nyström Höög, Anneli Ädel & Jan-Ola Östman, co-org. of Workshop on Risk and Responsibility
- presentations and discussion (hybrid)
September 21-22, 2021
KVAB Conference on The language of debate and communication about climate change, Paleis der Academiën Brussel & Campus Arenberg Leuven, Belgium: Activiteit in het kader van de Denkerscyclus Taal & Klimaat
Jan-Ola Östman, presentation:
"Responsibility for the climate – in the eyes of adolescents"
August 18-20, 2021
University of Antwerp, Belgium
iccg11 – The Eleventh International Conference on Construction Grammar
Jan-Ola Östman, presentation:
"Construction Discourse: Furthering the Firthian and Pikean legacies"
June 27–July 2, 2021
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Winterthur, Switzerland
17th International Pragmatics Conference
Jan-Ola Östman, Catharina Nyström Höög & Annelie Ädel, org. of Panel on "Discourse perspectives on Risk and Responsibility" – Introduction to the panel
Annelie Ädel, Catharina Nyström Höög &Jan-Ola Östman –presentation in the panel on Discourse Perspectives on Risk and Responsibility: "Risk and responsibility: Voices from low-risk workplaces"
Jan-Ola Östman, "On being a sister theory: Construction Discourse as a mediator between Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics/FrameNet" – presentation in Panel on "Interactional Frames and Language Resource Development", org. by Kyoko Ohara & Miriam Petruck.
June 14–16, 2021
MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway
The 12th International Conference on Nordic and General Linguistics (ICNGL12)
Tomás Lehecka & Jan-Ola Östman, presentation:
"What people (don't) know about language"
June 7–10, 2021
e-Sociolinguistics Symposium 23
University of Hong Kong
Marion Kwiatkowski & Jan-Ola Östman, org. of Panel/Workshop on "Unsettling the NORMs: The Sociolinguistics of immigration to the countryside" + Introduction to the panel
Ellen Bijvoet & Jan-Ola Östman, presentation:
"Talkin' 'bout my integration: Finnish and Dutch migrants to the Swedish countryside in search of identities"
May 6–7, 2021
Åbo Akademi, Vaasa, Finland
Conference: Svenskan i Finland 19
"Plats och ställe på vykort till och från Wasa/Nikolaistad 1900–1920: Om framväxten av 'Det Moderna'" ['Space and place on postcards to and from Wasa/Nikolaistad 1900–1920: On the emergence of Modernity']
September 16–18, 2020
NTNU Trondheim, Norway; Digital event
ALAPP 2020 – 10th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice
Annelie Ädel, Catharina Nyström Höög & Jan-Ola Östman, joint presentation:
“In case of emergency: A responsibility perspective on evacuation practices”
June 9–14, 2019
Hong Kong
IPrA's Sixteenth International Pragmatics Conference
Org.: International Pragmatics Association & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Co-organizer with Yoshiko Matsumoto of panel on "Identity perspectives from peripheries"
June 9–14, 2019
Hong Kong
IPrA's Sixteenth International Pragmatics Conference
Org.: International Pragmatics Association & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Presentation: "A glocal perspective on language function and identity: Regionalization, co-integration, ambivalence, and responsibility"
September 27-28, 2018
Slimig2018: The 3rd International Conference on the Sociolinguistics of Immigration
Sestri Levante (Genoa), Italy
Org.: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin, Italy
Conference presentation together with Lena Ekberg:
"Identity construction and the narration of “the third position” among immigrants in rural Swedish-language Finland"
July 16-18, 2018
ICCG10: Tenth International Conference on Construction Grammar
Org.: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, France
Conference presentation:
"On the (ir)relevance of 'proper' for noun phrases"
January 18-19
Conference on Language, place and periphery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Org.: The two research projects Dialect in the Periphery (D:PEF) and Language and Place - Language Variation in Rural and Urban Denmark (LaPUR)
Conference presentation:
"The role of Wellerisms in construing imagined village communities"
October 25-27
Svenskans Beskrivning 36, Uppsala, Sweden
Org.: Department of Scandinavian Languages
Invited presentation at the workshop on "Konstruktionsgrammatik på svenska" ['Construction Grammar in Swedish'] (organized by Benjamin Lyngfelt, Steffen Höder & Joel Olofsson):
"Utsikten från periferin; eller, 'Bara för att jag jobbar med lådor betyder inte att variabilitet blir i skymundan'” ['The view from the periphery; or, "Just because I work with boxes doesn't mean I leave variability in the dark"']
July 16-21
The 15th International Pragmatics Conference; Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Org.: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
Panel organization:
"Responsibility, migration, and integration"
July 16-21
The 15th International Pragmatics Conference; Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Org.: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
"The semantics and pragmatics of being responsible: Integration in a dialect of a minority language in a rural area"
July 16-21
The 15th International Pragmatics Conference; Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Org.: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
Presentation with Leila Mattfolk:
"Introducing the Proper-Name-Phrase construction: Pragmatic perspectives on the apposition-epithet controversy in grammar"
July 16-21
The 15th International Pragmatics Conference; Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Org.: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
Discussant in panel on Language, mobility and work, org. by Melissa G. Moyer & Gema Rubio Carbonero
June 6-9
The International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLaVE 9, Malaga
Org.: Universidad de Málaga
Presentation with Lena Ekberg:
"The multifariousness of “the third position”: identity construction and dialect acquisition among immigrants in rural areas"
May 11-13
Svenskans beskrivning 35; Göteborg, Sweden
Presentation together with Lena Ekberg:
"Medlare - eller dubbelt marginaliserad? Identitetskonstruktion hos immigranter i Österbotten" ['Mediator - or doubly marginalized? Identity construction among immigrants in Ostrobothnia']
© Jan-Ola Östman 2024