Pragmatics: general
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2016. Handbook of Pragmatics 2016 Installment. vi + 180 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2015. Handbook of Pragmatics 2015 Installment. vi + 248 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2014. Handbook of Pragmatics 2014 Installment. vi + 278 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2013. Handbook of Pragmatics 2013 Installment. vi + 268 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Östman, 2012. On how to pragmaticize understanding. In Pragmaticizing understanding: Studies for Jef Verschueren (1-13), ed. by Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Östman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), 2012. Pragmaticizing understanding: Studies for Jef Verschueren. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 230 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2012. Handbook of Pragmatics 2012 Installment. vi + 248 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman, 2011. Introduction: Pragmatics and praxis. In Pragmatics in practice (1-22), ed. by Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2011. Pragmatics in practice. [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 9] Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xi + 326 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2011. Handbook of Pragmatics 2011 Installment. vi + 250 p. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan Zienkowski, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2010. Discursive pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 8]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. xi + 307 pp.
Marina Sbisà, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2011. Philosophical perspectives for pragmatics. [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 10] Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xi + 318 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman & Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, 2009. Firthian linguistics. In Culture and language use [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 2] (140-145), ed. by Gunter Senft, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Slightly revised version of Östman & Simon-Vandenbergen (1994), Firthian linguistics.]
Sigurd D’hondt, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2009. The pragmatics of interaction [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 4]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 262 pp.
Dominiek Sandra, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2009. Cognition and pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 3]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 388 pp.
Frank Brisard, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2009. Grammar, meaning and pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 5]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 308 pp.
Gunter Senft, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), 2009. Culture and language use [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 2]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 280 pp.
Jef Verschueren & Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), 2009. Key notions for pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 1]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 253 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, in collaboration with Eline Versluys (eds.), 2009. Handbook of Pragmatics 2009 Installment. vi + 421 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, in collaboration with Eline Versluys (eds.), 2008. Handbook of Pragmatics 2008 Installment. vi + 200 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, in collaboration with Eline Versluys (eds.), 2007. Handbook of Pragmatics 2007 Installment. vi + 358 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, in collaboration with Eline Versluys (eds.), 2006. Handbook of Pragmatics 2006 Installment. vi + 500 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman, 2005. Dialogism and cognition: Peaceful vs. confrontational co-existence. In Oralité et cognition - incarnée ou située? / Orality and cognition - embodied or situated? [Grammaire & Cognition 3] (67-78), ed. by M.M. Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest. Paris, Budapest & Torino: L’Harmattan. [Revised version of Jan-Ola Östman 1998, Dialogism and cognition.]
Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren, in collaboration with Eline Versluys (eds.), 2005. Handbook of Pragmatics 2003-2005 Installment. 305 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman, Leila Mattfolk & Lieselott Nordman (eds.), 2004. CLPG 2004 Book of Abstracts. University of Helsinki: Nordica. 184 pp.
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 2003. Handbook of pragmatics 2002 Installment. 402 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 2003. Handbook of pragmatics 2001 Installment. vi+299 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan Ola Östman & Pekka Kuusisto, 2002. News Reports on the M/S Estonia Accident from a Pragmatic Perspective. In Variation Past and Present. VARIENG Studies in English for Terttu Nevalainen (319-335), ed. by Helena Raumolin Brunberg, Minna Nevala, Arja Nurmi & Matti Rissanen. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique. [Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki LXI]
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 2002. Handbook of pragmatics 2000 Installment. vi+298 pp. Loose-leaf publicaation. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan Ola Östman & Ville Laakso, 2001. Postikortin konteksti [‘The context of the postcard’]. In Postikortti sosiaalisessa konstekstissa [‘The postcard in its social context’] (13-31), ed. by Ville Laakso & Jan-Ola Östman. Hämeenlinna: Korttien Talo.
Ville Laakso & Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), 2001. Postikortti sosiaalisessa kontekstissa [‘The postcard in its social context’]. Hämeenlinna: Korttien Talo. 160 pp.
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 2001. Handbook of pragmatics 1999 Installment. vi+282 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 2000. Handbook of pragmatics 1998 Installment. vi+342 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 1999. Handbook of pragmatics 1997 Installment. 297 pp. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert & Chris Bulcaen (eds.), 1997. Handbook of pragmatics 1996 Installment. 268 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman, 1995. Recasting the deictic foundation, using physics and Finnish. In Essays in semantics and pragmatics [Pragmatics and Beyond, New Series, vol. 32] (247-278), ed. by Masayoshi Shibatani & Sandra Thompson. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman & Jan Blommaert (eds.), 1995. Handbook of pragmatics. Manual. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. xiv + 658 pp. [Entries available electronically]
Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman & Jan Blommaert (eds.), 1995. Handbook of pragmatics 1995 Installment. 336 pp. Loose-leaf publication. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Entries available electronically]
Jan-Ola Östman, 1991. Warning! Construction sight - Speech arts refigured. In Leikkauspiste. Kirjoituksia kielestä ja ihmisestä ['The intersection'] (294-306), ed. by Lea Laitinen, Pirkko Nuolijärvi & Mirja Saari. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura [SKS 158].
Jan-Ola Östman, 1989. Pragmatiikalle koherenssia etsimässä. [‘In search of coherence for pragmatics’] In SKY 1989: Predominantly pragmatics (101-120), ed. by Jan-Ola Östman, Urpo Nikanne, Kristiina Jokinen & Tapani Kelomäki. Helsinki: Linguistic Association of Finland.
Jacob Mey, Hartmut Haberland & Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), 1989. Copper Anniversary Issue [Special issue of Journal of Pragmatics (13:6); 815-1062). Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland.
Jan-Ola Östman, Urpo Nikanne, Kristiina Jokinen & Tapani Kelomäki (eds.), 1989. SKY 1989. Predominantly pragmatics [Suomen kielitieteellisen yhdistyksen vuosikirja 1989 / The 1989 Yearbook of the Linguistic Association of Finland]. Helsinki: Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys / The Linguistic Association of Finland. 220 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman, 1988. Adaptation, variability, and effect: Comments on IPrA Working Documents 1 & 2. IPrA Working Document 3: 5-40.
Jan-Ola Östman, [1987] 1986. Pragmatics as Implicitness. An analysis of question particles in Solf Swedish, with implications for the study of passive clauses and the language of persuasion [Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1986]. Not published, but available from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI (no. 86 24885). 2 + x + 348 pp.
Jan-Ola Östman, 1986. Pragmatiikka kielellisenä implisiittisyytenä. [‘Pragmatics as linguistic implicitness’] In Näkökulmia kielentutkimukseen ['Perspectives on the study of language'] (50-58), ed. by Esa Itkonen. Helsinki/Turku: The Linguistic Association of Finland. [Publications, no. 13.] ((Summary in English.))
Ann Peters, Jan-Ola Östman, Thomas Larsen, Catherine O’Connor, Lily Wong Fillmore, Susan Ervin-Tripp, Laura Leann Parker, Jane Edwards & James Collins, 1981. Manual for computer coding of bilingual data. University of California, Berkeley: School of Education, 1981 and later versions. pp. 33 + 9.) [Available in computer format at UC-Berkeley, School of Education. 1981 version prepared for NIE grant NIE G 79 0018 Sources of Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition, Lily Wong Fillmore, Principal Investigator.]
© Jan-Ola Östman 2024